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In the era of Brexit and fake news, scientists need to embrace social media
Social media can be an intimidating place for academics as not all of them take to it like ducks to water. For many newcomers, a more approp

Nothing lasts forever: questions to ask yourself when choosing a new tool or technology for research
Academia has become increasingly reliant on third-party tools and technologies to carry out many of the processes throughout the research li

Altmetrics - what are they good for? - British Psychology Research Day - video of my talk
video of a talk I gave for The British Psychological Association on Altmetrics and how researchers can make use of them

Following the success of the learning technologist, is it time for a research equivalent?
With so many scholarly communications tools and technologies now available, how do academics decide which are most appropriate for their res

Analysing Altmetric data on research citations in policy literature – the case of the University of
Altmetrics offers all kinds of insights into how a piece of research has been communicated and cited. In 2014 added policy doc

Disentangling the academic web: what might have been learnt from Discogs and IMDB
Academia can always learn a lot from the rest of the world when it comes to working with the web. The project 101 Innovations in Scholarly C Talk - How to hack your research
Social media and digital tools are now a staple of many researcher practices and have brought new dimensions to publishing, finding and orga

When it comes to information overload, we’re like frogs in boiling water
To consider how being constantly connected through computers and mobile devices has encroached on our working lives, consider the experiment

Internet of things devices meant to simplify our lives may end up ruling them instead
Technology’s promise of wonderful things in the future stretches from science fiction to science fact: self-driving cars, virtual reality, s

How to avoid bogus health information on the web
Health is one of the biggest topics searched for on the web, yet despite its importance a large portion of this information is inaccurate, a
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